The Middle East: 2025 Market Outlook
The Middle East legal market continues to evolve rapidly, driven by international law firms expanding their presence, governments diversifying economies, and increased foreign direct investment…
The Middle East legal market continues to evolve rapidly, driven by international law firms expanding their presence, governments diversifying economies, and increased foreign direct investment…
At Marsden we are well-known for helping to move associates to, from and within the Australian legal market. As 2025 gets underway, what is the current state of play and what are our predictions for this year?
After a slower start to 2024, H2 was extremely busy for most attorneys and many firms have had record years. What does 2025 have in store?
2024 was an uneven year in the London legal market; some practice areas—such as finance—were strong at certain times, while others—such as private equity—did not achieve the levels of activity initially…
ESG is a vast and complex topic, and many senior leaders within organisations feel that they need to be an expert before they engage. However, General Counsel…
For many people, the idea of negotiating your compensation with a new employer can cause feelings of anxiety and panic since it comes down to one key question: what am…
It’s the role of a General Counsel to provide and promote an efficient and responsive legal service to their internal stakeholders. But if there are no clear…
This was the topic of Marsden and Melius’s second Legal Operations roundtable held in February 2024, attended by 20 General Counsel from a variety…
With the summer law school recruiting season over, firms turn their attention to lateral associate recruiting before the holiday season. Marsden Group Divider Graphic…
This was the starting point of Marsden’s recent Legal Operations Roundtable, hosted jointly with John Bennett of Melius Law, with 15 General Counsel/Heads of…
Today’s legal recruitment market is very competitive, as any associate looking for a new role knows. You may present well, have good experience…
Legal Operations is evolving fast within the global legal sector, as in-house legal functions look for ways to deliver more effectively for their internal clients…
In May 2023, Marsden hosted two roundtables to progress our Supporting Organic Diversity in Law Firms campaign to discuss in smaller groups the topics…
May you live in interesting times”, as the saying goes. The 21st day in May 2023 proved to be one of the more interesting Sundays in the worlds of…
There has been so much growth in recent years that it was perhaps becoming unsustainable and what we are experiencing right now is more ‘normal’ levels…
With the pace of technological change including the rise in the use of AI models such as Chat GPT, and increased awareness and scrutiny regarding online…
Marsden’s Tim Andrews answers queries about the London legal recruitment market including: How he works with law firms
what he enjoys about…
It’s clear that the litigation funding market is continuing to develop rapidly, with an increasing number of players on both sides of the Atlantic and…
If you have been passed over for promotion to partner by your current firm it is understandable that you might want to try and become a partner…
At Marsden, every day and from many of our global offices, we speak to partners looking for lateral moves. We’ve noticed a few topics that come up regularly…
In an increasingly global economy, having expertise in different markets can give you a huge competitive advantage over your peers. While deciding to move…
In October 2022 Marsden hosted a breakfast roundtable for more than 20 General Counsel and law firm senior leaders. The topic was ‘Supporting Organic…
CEOs face many daily challenges, and in an ever-changing and complex business landscape their to-do lists are longer than ever. How can you be…
One of the specialisms of Marsden’s In-House team is recruiting in-house lawyers for financial sponsors and buy-side financial institutions. We work…
The litigation funding market, despite already being a multi-billion pound area of the legal sector, continues to develop rapidly. As one of the UK’s most trusted…
With over 20 years’ experience in in-house recruitment, Marsden’s Kate Bramwell focuses on legal roles in commerce and industry, with a particular…
Deciding to relocate overseas is often down to personal circumstances, but it can also be an opportunity for career development. There are many advantages to be…
With the rise in alternative legal services models for law firms, there has been a notable shift in the perceived value and status of contract and interim…
Marsden has significant experience in recruiting in-house lawyers into financial sponsors and buy-side financial institutions. We work across…
At Marsden we have a passionate belief in the power of personal stories – sharing them, listening to them, learning from them and drawing inspiration…
Whether for maternity cover, project-based work, extra support or to cover a permanent role you’re recruiting for, there’s no denying that interim…
You have decided that your career journey needs a boost. You would like to know how the market is looking right now, and if it is a good time to make…
At Marsden, we coach and guide the lawyers we work with to prepare them for interviews. We see this as an essential part of our role. Being prepared is…
Many talented, capable candidates, with significant experience and expertise find it difficult to promote themselves. But this is exactly what you…