M: +44 (0)7967 833 673

E: elliot.jackson@marsdengroup.com

Connect with Elliot

Elliot Jackson


Elliot has 20 years of experience operating in the legal market, both as a legal recruiter and, previously, a corporate lawyer. His practice focuses on representing leading US and UK law firms in London on their strategic lateral hires of individual partners and teams.

Elliot is passionate about finding lawyers the right opportunities and working closely with his clients to unearth the best legal talent in the market. Having been on the other side of the recruitment process as a lawyer, Elliot has a deep appreciation of adopting a consultative approach to his candidate’s job search. He also works tirelessly to ensure that he finds lawyers that fit his client’s brief and are closely aligned with the culture and ethos of the firm.

Elliot qualified as a corporate lawyer in 2012, spending his first three and a half years in practice at Nabarro before moving to Paul Hastings in 2015. He moved into legal recruitment in 2016 and his experience includes a leadership role with Dartmouth Partners where he launched and built their legal recruitment desk over an eighteen month period.